Taurus Jade Mystics Energy Readings


Oracle Card Reading

1 card pull.

In one card we can Gain insight on the day ahead, week ahead, month ahead, receive a message from a past loved one or just a message from your guardian angel! Cards are a great way to communicate with God, the Universe, your angles.... what messages or questions do you have for them? Ask a specific question and gain insight!


Past, Present, Future Oracle Card Reading

3 card pull

Past, Present Future Oracle Card Readings. Tapping into the energy of the divine to receive guided, reassuring messages from our angels, loved ones and guides. Insight on what's going on from your past, the present moment and a glimpse of the future!


One Year Ahead Oracle Card Reading

13 card pull

A 13 card pull for a year ahead reading! 1 st card indicates the theme of your year then a card to support each month.

Recommended using tarot but has the option of oracle cards as well. Gain insight and guidance on your journey, helping you navigate and flow with the energy moving through you. These are messages from the divine, your angles, guides and pass loved ones helping to join together to be there for YOU! Let's see what messages we receive for the year ahead!


Crystal Pendulum Reading

3 questions-3 answers

Ask a specific yes or no question and with the sway of our crystal pendulum we can tap into the universal energy around you and your own energy to give you the answers you desire directly from your passed loved ones, angels and guides.

What questions do your have for them? includes 3 yes or no questions!


Aura Reading

10-15 mins

Receive a detailed description of all 3 layers of your body's aura color and what they mean for you. Learn how to alter and balance your aura field.


New Moon/Full Moon Discounted Readings

We all know how powerful new moon and full moon days can be! Everything and Everyone seems to be effected! These days in particular are perfect for POWERFUL messages from the Devine!

New Moon and Full Moon Days ONLY receive this special discounted pricing!

In one card we can gain insight on the day ahead, week ahead, month ahead, receive a message from a past loved one or just a message from your guardian angel! Cards are a great way to communicate with God, the Universe, your angles.... what messages or questions do you have for them? Ask a specific question and gain insight!